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Condominium Insurance Gives You Extra Coverage For Living in Close Quarters

Condominium living has become a popular choice for those who want to do fewer home maintenance tasks and have more time for enjoyable pursuits. Condominiums require a different type of homeowners policy that takes into account shared spaces and individual insurance needs. At Hastings Insurance Agency LLC serving the greater Tomball, TX community we can answer your questions about the special needs of condominium owners.

Why You Need Specialized Coverage For Condominiums

Condominiums require specialized insurance because of the structural differences. Condominiums are attached in various ways to other units. Damage that occurs in an adjacent unit can easily affect your own unit. Condominiums also have “shared” areas, such as parking lots, swimming pools, and other types of common areas that are generally covered under a “master plan” of insurance, but this policy does not cover the individual personal possessions of the owners inside each unit.

What Condo Insurance Covers

Condominium insurance covers the personal possession inside your unit when damage occurs due to a peril named in your policy. This generally includes clothing, furniture, electronics, kitchen items, musical instruments, as well as jewelry and artwork to a certain limit. They also include liability coverage if someone is injured while in your unit. Policies generally cover additional living expenses while your unit is being repaired. Coverage is also available for the interior walls and other built-ins in your condominium, if needed, in addition to your condominium association’s master plan coverage.

Make Hastings Insurance Agency LLC Your Agent For Condominium Insurance

Our experienced agents in Tomball, TX can help you understand the details of your condominium coverage so your financial interests are adequately addressed. We offer a wide range of insurance products for personal coverage and for business. Contact us today for an appointment to learn more about how condominium insurance protects your investment.

If I Take My RV to Mexico, Will Recreational Insurance Still Cover Me?

Tomball, TX is a gorgeous suburb of Houston whose location offers its residents easy access to beautiful places, including being just a six-hour drive from the Mexican border. Mexico has a lot of fantastic RV camping spots to visit, including gorgeous and incredibly cheap beachfront campsites that you can’t quite readily find here in the USA.

But before you hit the gas on your RV, you should make sure you have the right recreational insurance, such as the expansive policies we offer at Great Southern Agency. 

Understanding What Type of Recreational Insurance You Need to Drive & RV Camp in Mexico

Generally, most basic recreational insurance policies will only cover domestic travel. This means that if you go over the Mexican border and get in an accident or experience a natural disaster that causes damage to your RV, you might find yourself unprotected altogether or only partially protected with a specialty high deductible.

The good news is that there are some great options you can get if you want to take your RV and other recreational items south of the border. Such options include:

  • Purchasing temporary Mexican insurance that will last for only the short period of time that you’l be traveling in the country.
  • Purchasing Mexican coverage as a permanent add-on endorsement through your recreational insurance provider.
  • Purchasing full international coverage that will extend your policy no matter where you go in North America.

Learn More With Our Team

Are you ready to take your Tomball, TX camper on the road and across the border? Contact our friendly team at Great Southern Agency today to learn more about recreational insurance and get the perfect policy coverage to meet your upcoming travel desires.  

Protect Your Possessions While You Rent

With the current high cost of real estate, many people are choosing to rent to save on housing expenses. However, your possessions are not covered by the insurance held by your landlord. Renters insurance has been designed to offer insurance protection for your possessions while you rent your housing.  At Great Southern Agency, serving the greater Tomball, TX community, we offer renters insurance for Texas residents.

Do I Need Renters Insurance?

Many individuals feel they don’t have enough possessions to justify the cost of renters insurance, but the fact is, you probably have more material goods than you realize, and replacing them all would be a burdensome expense. Other renters believe their possessions are covered under their landlord’s general insurance policy, but this is not the case.

Renters insurance offers protection for a wide range of items and also provides some liability coverage if anyone is injured while visiting your property, as well as alternate housing coverage if you need to live elsewhere while your apartment is being repaired. The policies provide this coverage at a very reasonable price.

Two Types of Renters Insurance Offer A Choice

You can choose between an “actual cash value” policy or a “replacement cost” policy. Actual cash value policies pay for your possession minus the depreciation due to age and wear-and-tear of normal usage. A replacement cost policy pays the amount to replace your possession at today’s cost. Replacement cost policies are more expensive but are worth the cost to restore your possessions after an event. 

Choose Great Southern Agency For Your Renters Insurance Coverage

You may have questions about renters insurance and how it can help you recover from a damaging event. Our trained insurance professionals in Tomball, TX can answer your questions and ensure you have the coverage you need. Contact Great Southern Agency today for a no-obligation quote on renters insurance that can help minimize losses from unexpected damage.

Usage Based Motorcycle Insurance

Driving a motorcycle is an exhilarating and fun way to travel. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors without slowing down, but it can also be costly in terms of insurance and maintenance. Usage-based insurance programs reward you based on your riding habits, meaning that safe drivers are rewarded for being responsible on the road.

What is Usage-Based Motorcycle Insurance?

Usage-based insurance considers factors like speeding, acceleration, mileage, the time of day you drive, and forced braking. It uses that data to give you a driving score and tips to help improve it. Therefore, the better you ride, the more potential for it to pay off financially. 

Benefits of Usage-Based Insurance

Riders are drawn to this kind of insurance, typically for financial reasons. If you abide by traffic law by following the speed limit, keeping a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, and not slamming on the brakes, you may be eligible for a discount. However, usage-based insurance isn’t just financially beneficial. Incentivizing drivers to be safer benefits everyone on the road.

Is Usage-Based Motorcycle Insurance Right for Me?

Yes! That is to say, if you want to be held accountable for driving safely and potentially rewarded for it. It’s no secret that additional dangers are posed to motorcycle riders, but you can mitigate them by being a safe rider. Additionally, riding safely reduces your risk of costly accidents and painful injuries. 

Looking for Insurance in Tomball, TX?

At Great Southern Agency, we know how much you love riding your motorcycle on Texas highways and country roads. One of our expert agents will match you with the policy that fits your unique needs. 

Call Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX today to learn more about this vital coverage. 

Texas Boat Insurance: A Quick Guide

As a boat owner in Texas, it’s essential to protect your investment and ensure you’re covered in case of accidents, theft, or damage. In this quick guide, we’ll provide an overview of boat insurance, including its importance, coverage options, and tips for finding the right policy with the help of our team at Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX.

Why You Need Boat Insurance in Texas

While Texas law does not mandate boat insurance, it’s a wise decision to have coverage in place to protect your assets and safeguard yourself from potential liabilities. Accidents can occur, and without proper insurance, you could be held responsible. Moreover, some marinas and lenders may require proof of boat insurance before allowing you to dock or finance your boat. By obtaining a policy from a reputable agency like Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX, you can enjoy peace of mind while out on the water.

Coverage Options for Texas Boat Insurance

When choosing a boat insurance policy, consider the following coverage options:

  1. Liability coverage: This type of coverage protects you if you’re found responsible for causing bodily injury or property damage to others while operating your boat.
  2. Collision coverage: This covers damages to your boat resulting from a collision with another boat or a stationary object.
  3. Comprehensive coverage: This protects your boat from damages caused by events other than collisions, such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.
  4. Non-insured or underinsured boater coverage: This covers you if you’re involved in an accident with another boat operator who doesn’t possess adequate insurance or any insurance.
  5. Medical payments coverage: This covers medical expenses for you and your passengers if injured in a boating accident.

Finding the Right Boat Insurance Policy

To find the right boat insurance policy, it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable and experienced insurance agency like Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX. We can help you assess your needs, evaluate various coverage options, and select a policy that offers the best protection at a competitive price.

Remember that factors such as the type, age, and value of your boat, along with your boating experience and history, will impact your insurance premiums. It’s important to discuss these factors with your insurance agent to ensure you receive the most suitable coverage for your unique situation.

Texas boat insurance is a crucial aspect of responsible boat ownership. By partnering with us, you can secure the right coverage that allows you to enjoy your time on the water with confidence, knowing that you, your boat, and your passengers are well-protected.

5 Most Common Mistakes When Buying Umbrella Insurance For The First Time

Most people are aware that they require insurance to protect their homes, cars, and health. However, far too few people understand the value of umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance protects you against major liability claims and lawsuits, which can quickly deplete your savings and assets. If you’re considering buying umbrella insurance, Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX can help guide you on five mistakes to avoid.

Umbrella Insurance: Mistakes To Avoid

1. Not Understanding What Umbrella Insurance Covers

Umbrella insurance is intended to protect you from large liability claims and lawsuits. It usually covers expenses for bodily harm, property damage, and certain personal liability situations. However, umbrella insurance does not cover everything; be sure to read the fine print to understand what is and is not covered.

2. Not Reading The Fine Print

When purchasing umbrella insurance, it is critical to carefully read the policy to understand what is and is not covered. If you have to file a claim, you may be faced with unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.

3. Buying The Wrong Amount Of Coverage

Many people underestimate how much umbrella insurance they require. A good rule of thumb is to purchase coverage equal to 1-2 times your net worth. This ensures that you are adequately protected in the event of a major liability claim or lawsuit.

4. Lying Or Omitting Important Information

It is critical to be truthful about your assets and income when applying for umbrella insurance. If you lie or omit critical information, your policy may be voided if you need to file a claim.

5. Going With The First Policy You Find

Before purchasing umbrella insurance, it is critical to shop around and compare policies. Because not all policies are created equal, find one that meets your needs and budget.

We Are Here To Help!

Umbrella insurance is crucial for financial protection, but only if you avoid these five mistakes. Great Southern Agency can help you find the right umbrella insurance policy for your needs in Tomball, TX. Contact us today for a free quote.

Is Flood Insurance Required in Texas?

Whether you’ve just put a down payment on a home in Texas or you’ve been a proud Lone Star State homeowner for years, it’s important to make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect your property. While you may already have homeowners insurance, the truth is that it may not cover every damaging situation, like flooding. But do you actually need flood insurance?

In order to make the right decision for your home, it’s important to understand what Texas law says about flood insurance as well as other circumstances where it may be required. Serving the Tomball, TX area and beyond, our knowledgeable team at Great Southern Agency is here to help.

Is Flood Insurance Required in Texas?

For general homeowners, flood insurance is not legally required in Texas. But just because the law does not mandate flood coverage, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook just yet! If you have a mortgage, there’s a strong chance you’re required as per the agreement to get flood insurance. If you’re unsure, it’s a good idea to go over your mortgage documents carefully with an insurance agent or give your lender a call for clarification.

Are Homes in Texas at Risk of Flooding?

Texas is a large state with a diverse landscape, not to mention differing amounts of precipitation. Many homes are in regions not considered at high risk of flooding, but many others are. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), about 7 percent of homes in Texas are at high risk. 

For better clarification, it’s worth finding out what kind of flood zone your property sits in. For example, if you’re in a Special Flood Hazard Risk area, your home is considered to have a 25 percent (1 in 4) chance of flooding within 30 years.

Learn More About Your Flood Insurance Options Today

Even if your home is not in a high-risk zone, it’s important to be aware that your home may still have a chance of flooding. To learn more about your risk and your options for coverage, give us a call. At Great Southern Agency, we’re dedicated to helping homeowners across the Tomball, TX area get the right amount of protection for their homes.

Will my condo insurance cover the repair of my stove?

Condo insurance is similar to homeowner’s insurance in that it provides coverage for your home, personal belongings, and liability coverage. However, it differs from homeowners insurance in that it only covers the interior of your condo and not the external, public areas of your condo. You pay a condo fee to cover the care and management of the external areas of your condo.

Our team at Great Southern Agency wants Tomball, TX condo owners to understand what’s covered by their condo insurance policy.

What is Condo Insurance?

Condo insurance is insurance designed to pay for the repair of your unit and/or belongings if they are destroyed or damaged by a covered circumstance or event. Theft, some natural disasters, fire, and vandalism or examples of some of the things covered by your condo insurance policy.

Condo insurance can also provide coverage for living expenses if a covered situation or circumstance occurs, as well as coverage for liability claims. 

Will my condo insurance cover the repair of my stove?

Yes. However, your condo insurance will only pay for the repair of your stove if it was damaged as a result of an incident that is covered by your insurance policy. Usually, a condo insurance policy will pay for your damaged appliance if it was damaged by lightning, fire, a damaged floor, burst pipes, or some other covered incident.

Your condo insurance will NOT pay for the repair of your stove if it’s damaged or not functioning as a result of natural wear and tear.

Give Us A Call

If you want to develop a better understanding of how your condo insurance works and what’s covered, call us at Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX. We’d be happy to answer your questions. 

I have a fifth wheel. Do I need recreational insurance?

Many people enjoy having a home on wheels. They’re able to travel and take their homes with them, eliminating the need for a hotel. However, the type of travel trailer, camper, or RV you have will determine the type of insurance you’ll need. An RV or recreational vehicle with a motor will require RV insurance because it’s still a motorized vehicle like a car. If you drive a motorized RV, you’re legally required to carry RV insurance.

Our Great Southern Agency team understands that it may be confusing to determine insurance requirements for recreational vehicles. We’re committed to educating our Tomball, TX residents regarding state requirements. 

What is RV Insurance?

RV insurance, similar to auto insurance, provides protection for RV drivers from excessive costs from damage to their RV or others if they are found at fault for an accident. RV insurance can even help pay for out-of-pocket costs for damage to your RV. This includes any breakdown you may have while driving your RV.

Recreational vehicle owners should note that not all campers require owners to carry RV insurance. If you own a non-motorized camper or RV, you’re not required to carry RV insurance. However, it may still be beneficial for you to invest in insurance for your specific type of camper. 

I have a fifth wheel. Do I need recreational insurance?

A fifth wheel doesn’t have a motor. As a result, you’re not required to carry RV insurance. However, if you’re in an accident while towing your fifth wheel, your car insurance may not pay to repair any damage to your fifth wheel. As a result, it may be a good idea to invest in travel trailer insurance. Travel trailer insurance will pay for the repair or replacement of your fifth wheel if it’s damaged or stolen.

Contact Us Today

If you have questions about insurance for your fifth wheel, camper, or recreational vehicle, we’d be happy to answer them. Call us at Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX.

Are You a Renter? Protect Your Belongings with Renters Insurance

Are you a renter that lives in the Tomball, TX area? Did you know that renters insurance is as important to you as homeowners insurance is to a homeowner? Let the professionals at the Great Southern Agency explain why.

Why Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance, sometimes called tenants’ insurance, provides some of the benefits of a homeowners’ insurance policy. However, it does not cover the dwelling or structure. The owner of the building has insurance to cover the structure and has no responsibility for the tenant’s personal property.

Renters insurance provides liability coverage in the event someone gets hurt while visiting you. If you couldn’t pay their medical expenses and they sued you, how could you cover court costs? You will have coverage to cover an injury to a visitor, or if your dog bites someone.

The tenant’s personal belongings are covered against theft, fire, vandalism, or weather event.

It will also provide temporary accommodation if the unit becomes uninhabitable while repairs are made. Most renters insurance includes coverage for any additional expenses incurred during that time. If your rent is $950 per month, but you are unable to live in it for the next month while repairs are underway, your renter’s policy would cover additional living expenses beyond the $950 for hotel, meals, etc.

Because renters insurance mainly protects the renter’s personal property against loss and provides liability coverage, it is considerably less expensive than a homeowners’ policy. Premiums across the country average between $15 and $30 per month based on the size of the unit, your possessions, and the location. For the cost of two movie tickets or the cost of a lunch or two, you can protect your personal property and have liability coverage as well.

Contact Us Today

Don’t leave your personal property unprotected. Contact our team at Great Southern Agency in Tomball, TX to get the protection you need for your belongings.